Tainan Mobile Phone Repair​​

Tainan Mobile Phone Repair, providing cell phone repair services for various brands, has won the unanimous praise of hundreds of PTT users and is recommended by five stars for cell phone repair in Tainan. The open price list, transparent open space, and at least ninety-day post-repair warranty provide the best repair quality and give customers the most peace of mind and professional service.


Customer testimonials

Google reviews real comments, your affirmation is the encouragement of Helloday.

來台南玩發現手機拍照掉電掉超快!台南當地的朋友推薦我來日安換電池,專業速度又快。 來到現場如同朋友所說,老闆先看了我的手機狀況,報價跟說明維修大約 40 分鐘,價格透明態度親切,40 分鐘後回來就拿到手機了🥰 感謝老闆跟老闆娘細心對待我的手機,來台南玩像是換了一支新手機回家🥰 推薦給大家!
原本只是來換手機保護殼 結果換完變成一隻全新閃亮亮的手機 老闆娘一定是魔術師
店員很親切! 老闆娘跟老闆很細心跟我解說手機的問題 還幫我換新的螢幕保護貼 推推~
sung yu ming (火雞)
sung yu ming (火雞)
維修專業且迅速。 讓急著出差的我不用擔心在國外沒辦法工作,太感謝了😊
Jiayi Wu
Jiayi Wu
Yi-chin Yan
Yi-chin Yan
我的營幕會出現下半分屏變色 經過您們專業的檢查維修 幫我的S7更換了新的營幕 剛在店裡接到修好手機的瞬間 感覺就像是拿到新的手機 而且 老闆很專業又有佛心 幫我檢查到電池膨脹有問題 也順便幫我更換新的電池 免得我該天要為了老舊電池再修 謝謝您們 😊

About Us

Started service in Tainan in March 2019, and has helped thousands of people repair their mobile phones.
It is our aim to obtain good maintenance quality at an affordable cost.

Ri-An Mobile Phone Repair was established in March 2019, and was named Ri-An because the owner’s nickname is Zu-An.
The spirit of the logo is “Together as husband and wife”, which means that the two of them support the store together.

The owner, Gaga, was particularly interested in 3C before he started his business. In 2016, he learned how to wrap cell phones from a friend who introduced him to a cell phone wrapping instructor, and the course ended up teaching easy cell phone disassembly, which led to an interest in cell phone repair.

From iPhone battery replacement, iPhone screen replacement, Sony, HTC and so on, the replacement models are getting more and more in-depth in details.

Zu-An was a web system engineer before, and is a 3C fanatic who likes to learn and share knowledge about applications, whether for cell phones or computers.


Providing the following guarantees is our intention and responsibility to consumers.

At least 90 days repair warranty

90-day non-artificial warranty after repair

Repair and delivery in as little as 30 minutes

On-site quick maintenance, transparent maintenance

Offers are open and transparent

Free troubleshooting

Maintenance Workflow

The entire repair process is recorded, so you can rest assured.

Customer Maintenance Case

It is our mission to repair and deliver to our customers quickly.

zs590ks zenfone8 安裝電池
ASUS 手機維修案例

華碩 Zenfone 8 ZS590KS 螢幕更換案例

深入了解華碩 Zenfone 8 ZS590KS 螢幕更換過程:維修師傅以專業技巧小心拆卸、檢測並更換受損螢幕,專注於精確恢復手機功能。適合遇到意外損壞的 Zenfone 8 使用者。

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We provide maintenance services for major brands.

Apple Repair
iPad Repair
Samsung Repair
HTC Repair
Sony Repair
OPPO Repair
Xiaomi Repair
Huawei Repair